Current web-based fleet management tools at Zonar developed over time without feature interoperability. The goal was to integrate the overall process with expanded functionality and an at-a-glance dashboard containing summary cards.
Audited the existing input forms and their resulting reports to identify overlap and common elements. Collaborated with project managers and user representatives to determine critical tools and conform the various layouts. To compel big businesses to adopt the product, I worked with an information architect to support the desired white label business hierarchy. Experimented with statisticians to create insightful interactive route maps.
Created visuals for multiple aspects of the tool including timeline, login, query builder and visual framework for the dashboard, query builder, and dynamic report. Mobile pupil tracking application including secure, school-district friendly authentication. Click-through prototypes to convey interaction as well as developing collateral for trade shows.
Zonar Styleguide and visualization details thoroughly discussed and engineered to update a data-rich fleet management tool.
Branding and Padding
Branding requirements and visuals were identified early so that it could influence corporate rebranding and in order to accommodate 3rd party client brand constraints.
Refined visuals
I worked with the Zonar marketing and brand design team to remove unnecessary containers and provide text hints to improve icon legibility. The result was a pleasing flat design that allows the dropdown user interface to float above the dashboard, reports, schedule or admin screens below.
There were many different elements to this design project. We needed to define the architecture of the tool and all of it's UI patterns before we could get a comprehensive understanding of how typography would ultimately work across the system. Maintaining continuity depended on a simple but comprehensive typography guide.